Thursday, January 21, 2010

Charlotte's High Score

Adrienne! Thumbs up!

Tonia achieves a personal best!


Charlotte in Pa said...

Adrienne - you are SO cute! Love the thumbs up!

Way to go, Tonia! PS - I love your Mii. Or is that a Yii? (Since it's yours and not mine)

J. G. said...

My highest score ever is a 212. Something tells me I'll be needing extra points from the beer and costumes!

Tonia said...

How can you make costumes- or do you mean real ones and I have to be in the picture as well, cause that ain't EVER gonna happen.

Charlotte in Pa said...

Yes - real ones and be in the picture. We're considering bowling shirts for ourselves. There might be theme weeks eventually. Why can't you be in the picture? Be a trooper, not a pooper!