Sunday, February 24, 2013

Week 2

Week 2 was a little crazy.  Some of our members had a hard time getting their scores in, for a variety of reasons.  Going forward, the deadline is going to be more firm, but these were extenuating situations.  We lost some members, got some members... it's crazy up in here!

In any event, the big news of the week is that Joe bowled a perfect game!

Way to go, Joe!  In keeping with their family competitiveness, his wife Kate bowled a 299.  They're keeping it close!

Everyone else - do not be disheartened!  I know that it must be frustrating to be bowling against people who are posting scores of 250+ each week.  Don't worry - I am going to fix it all at the end of the season.  Even though the scorekeeping is all together right now (It's much easier for me this way, and frankly - I'm lazy), I am going to divide the standings into groups and there will be a few winners.  This will also be helpful to you when it's time for the tournament.  Hang in there and keep bowling your best!

One way bowling is better than baseball - if you get 3 strikes, you're not out!

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